Bryce Golder hailing from the land down-unda via Melbourne, Australia sent us over a awesome batch of goodies to look at. He is a talented guy on and off the board. He travels the world riding his skateboard and picked up a camera to document the times while he's out getting moves himself. Check it out!

Hootie Andrews Back 5-0

Jack O'Grady Backside TailSlide

Raphael Langslow Krooked grind

Riley Pavey Lipslide

Brain Delatorre Frontside Feeble

Jack Kick Frontside Nose slide

Dean Johnston Lip slide

Jack Asani Ollie

Gabriel Summers Backside 5050 up

Quade Baker Kickflip

Mattew Boggis Backside Big Spin

Shoe Paul Krooked Grind

Alex Harvey 180 Nose grind

Brass Switch 5050

Louie Dodd Ollie

Raphael Langslow Ollie

Jesse Noonan Feeble

Rob Pace Frontside 5050

Ben Hermans Wallie

James Hall Frontside Feeble

Noa Papadopulos Frontside O