Today we are excited to show off some photos by the Andrew Mapstone, one of Australia's Radddest photo wizards who has been documenting for years. Being the photographer associated with all the top dogs down under Mapstone has captured gold behind the lens, and now our eye balls are being blessed with a gallery of 2 of our favorite drongos, Jesse "Red" Noonan and Jackson Pilz.
Mapstone has sent us over a cool look into the relationship of these two plebs sharing drinks and licks at all the best skate spots they can make it too.. Enjoy the magic our favorite aussies produce.

Two D's in a pod

Red Blasting tranny's

Jackson goes the other way, but he loves tranny's too!

Jackson knows nose! Good too! backside...

Red scrapes tails backside

Story has it, Red put his hand on a tranny once..

Jackson smokes blunts with tranny's

Jackson is not feeble, this Front poker is nothing new for Pilz

Red is always trying to be different

The boys do bumps together too! Red hucking a backside flip!

Master blaster Jack'o frontside flipping the bump spot

Thanks for being you Ledges!!
Now watch some cool videos of them!